Little Beautiful Horses: Tonight (9/4) the screening of Michalis Constantatos' psychological thriller

Eleftheria Petrotou

Tonight (9/4) in the evening ERT2 will show the psychological thriller by Michalis Constantatos, entitled "Little Beautiful Horses", a film about the nuclear family.

The film was released in 2020 and is about a married couple, who try to rebuild their lives in the countryside until they return to Athens again.

The main protagonists are Giota Argyropoulou and Dimitris Lalos, while the cast includes, among others, Katerina Didaskalou and Dimitris Kataleifos.

The plot of the movie

After a sudden change in their lives, Aliki and Petros find temporary refuge in a small seaside country town together with their young son, Panagiotis.

Both have found temporary jobs, part of a larger plan to return quickly and permanently to Athens.

But Alice begins to realize that their plan isn't working, or worse, that it might not even exist.

Peter perceives her emotional withdrawal as an implicit disapproval of what he cannot provide.

The distance between them grows dangerously wide and the two risk being caught in a web of lies of their own making.Actors: Giota Argyropoulou, Dimitris Lalos, Katerina Didaskalou, Alexandros Karamouzis, Costas Andalopoulos, Dimitris Kapetanakos, Antonis Myriagos, Vicky Papadopoulou, Costas Laskos, Thanasis Nakos, Thalia Papakosta, Dimitris Kataleifos

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